Pakistan, as an Islamic Republic, has a legal system founded on Islamic principles. However, there are instances where specific regulations and laws differ from Shariah (Islamic law). This disparity is typically caused by the coexistence of colonial history, international responsibilities, and contemporary societal needs. This article examines certain Pakistani laws that are in contradiction with […]
Punjab Defamation Act 2024: An Analysis

Introduction:Punjab Defamation Act 2024, was one of the very first bills passed by the coalition government after taking the office. It was passed into law on 7th June 2024 by Acting Governor Malik Ahmed Khan amid strong protest from opposition lawmakers and media stakeholders. The law, according to its reasons and objectives, aims to curb […]
Is the Killing of Ismail Haniyeh a Violation of International Law?

One of the world’s most divisive and complicated geopolitical topics is still the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As a prominent leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh was often at the center of this conflict, representing the political aspirations of many Palestinians. His death, resulting from a targeted strike attributed to Israeli forces, raises critical questions regarding principles of […]
What is F.I.R : What you can do if Police don’t register your F.I.R?

What is F.I.R? First Information Report (FIR) is a written document prepared by the police when they receive information about the commission of a cognizable offence under section 154 of Criminal Procedure Code, 1898. FIR is an essential document that acts as the initial record of information received by the police concerning a cognizable offense. […]
Violation of Right to Freedom of Speech in Balochistan | Article 19 Constitution of Pakistan

Globally and across other provinces of Pakistan, whispers of Balochistan’s vast freedom circulate. However, the reality is that Balochistan has been deprived of every kind of freedom since the very first day of its decision to emerge in Pakistan. One of the inherited fundamental rights is ‘Freedom of Speech and Expression’ since the birth of […]

What is Power of Attorney (PoA): The Power of Attorney Act of 1882, a key piece of legislation in Pakistan, thoroughly outlines the legal aspects of granting Power of Attorney. Section 2 of this Act specifies that: “A Power of Attorney (In Urdu known as “Mukhtar Nama”) is an essential legal document in Pakistan. It […]
بچوں کی حضانت/ کسٹڈی کیسے حاصل کریں؟

اکثر علیحدگی کی صورت میں سب سے بڑا مسئلہ آپ کے بچوں کی تحویل سے متعلق ہوتا ہے ۔ پاکستان کا حضانت کا قانون گارڈینز اینڈ وارڈز ایکٹ 1890 کے ذریعے نافذ کیا جاتا ہے ۔ جو والدین میں سے کسی کو بھی اپنے بچوں کی مستقل تحویل حاصل کرنے کی اجازت دیتا ہے اور […]
How to get Custody of your children?

Often in case of separation one of the biggest issue is regarding the custody of your children. Pakistan custody law is regulated by Guardians and Wards Act, 1890. Which allows any of the parent to get permanent custody of their children and also allows the other non-custodial parents a right to meet their children. Key […]
How to recover your Dowry Articles in Pakistan?

In Pakistan, it is a custom that on wedding of any daughter, the parents or the brother of the bride gift dowry articles to the bride in the form of Jewelry, Home Furniture, Blankets, Kitchen appliances, car or bike, crockery items Key points about Dowry: How to File the Case of dowry articles in Pakistan: […]