Steps in a Criminal Case in Pakistan

In the criminal justice system in our country, it is the job of the prosecution to prove the case against the alleged offender and such burden does not shift from prosecution even if the accused takes up any plea and fails in it. Criminal cases in our legal system are a crucial part of ensuring […]
Punjab Defamation Act 2024: An Analysis

Introduction:Punjab Defamation Act 2024, was one of the very first bills passed by the coalition government after taking the office. It was passed into law on 7th June 2024 by Acting Governor Malik Ahmed Khan amid strong protest from opposition lawmakers and media stakeholders. The law, according to its reasons and objectives, aims to curb […]
What is Workplace harassment in Pakistani Law? How to Lodge a Complaint?

In Pakistan, the journey of a working woman is fraught with challenges that extend beyond the demands of her job. It is a landscape where gender roles and societal expectations often clash with aspirations for career growth and professional fulfillment, leading to experiences of inhumane treatment that remain distressingly common.For many women, the ordeal begins […]
بچوں کے خرچہ کا کیس کیسے ہوگا؟ نان ونفقہ کی ذمہ داری کس کی ہے؟

بچوں کا خرچہ شادی کے اہم حصوں میں سے ایک ہے خاص طور پر جب میاں بیوی الگ ہو جائیں اور بچے ماں کی تحویل میں ہوں۔ پاکستان میں بچوں کی کفالت کی اصل ذمہ داری والد پر عائد ہوتی ہے خواہ اس کے پاس ان کی حضانت نہ ہو یا وہ بچوں سے ملنا […]