“Echoes of East Pakistan: The Unrest in Balochistan – A Path Toward Separation?”

The august 25/26, 2024 massacre where armed man killed more than dozens of people in attacks on Quetta Taftan highway Balochistan, perpetrated by terrorists, has sparked intense debate among both government authorities and the public. It was started with execution style killing of 23 travelers in Musakhail District in the Northeast of Balochistan province of […]
Violation of Right to Freedom of Speech in Balochistan | Article 19 Constitution of Pakistan

Globally and across other provinces of Pakistan, whispers of Balochistan’s vast freedom circulate. However, the reality is that Balochistan has been deprived of every kind of freedom since the very first day of its decision to emerge in Pakistan. One of the inherited fundamental rights is ‘Freedom of Speech and Expression’ since the birth of […]