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Right to freedom of Speech in Pakistan | Article 19 Constitution of Pakistan

freedom of speech

Pakistani citizens are granted the right to freedom of expression under the 1973 Constitution. Article 19 states that every citizen has the right to freedom of speech, expression, and the press, subject to reasonable restrictions imposed by law. These restrictions may be in the interest of the glory of Islam, Pakistan’s integrity, security, or defense, […]

Punjab Defamation Act 2024: An Analysis


Introduction:Punjab Defamation Act 2024, was one of the very first bills passed by the coalition government after taking the office. It was passed into law on 7th June 2024 by Acting Governor Malik Ahmed Khan amid strong protest from opposition lawmakers and media stakeholders. The law, according to its reasons and objectives, aims to curb […]

How Right to Fair Trial work in Pakistan? Article-10A Constitution of Pakistan,1973

Fair trial

Introduction The right to a fair trial is the fundamental pillar of justice. It stands as a cornerstone of democratic societies and is considered a safeguard for abuse of power. Any person charged with any offense in a legal conflict has the right to have a transparent and impartial trial process regardless of their circumstances […]

Competition Commission of Pakistan Judgement on Starbucks vs Options International (SMC-Pvt.) Limited

This judgement, delivered by the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) in 2018, concerns a trademark infringement case filed by Starbucks Corporation against Options International (SMC-Pvt.) Limited. Starbucks alleged that Options International was deceptively marketing itself as an international corporation selling Starbucks coffee and allied products, despite having no authorization to use Starbucks’ registered trademarks.Key Findings […]

Can Pakistan shift to a presidential form of government?

Pakistan has been a democratic country since its formation. Pakistan’s first constitution was enacted by the Constituent Assembly in 1956. It followed the form of the 1935 act, allowing the president far-reaching powers to suspend federal and provincial parliamentary government. In 1958 the constitution was abrogated, and martial law was instituted. A new constitution, promulgated […]